A couple of months ago Climate Wave Enterprises was the successful business out of 60 to be selected to receive a freshly built new website that is optimised for traffic plus training on how to maintain and update content.
We launched our new web site today and the feedback we’ve received already has been empowering.
Being a new industry sustainable event management is the language that was used even just twelve months ago has changed and developed. And with the imminent release of the standards set by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO20121) we have best management practices now.
We also have our own event calendar so please send your events info through to be included and our event planner has had a face lift to a simpler format.
Also if you would like to receive our blog and information please fill out our contact page and click the “Would you like to join our mailing list?” And you can find our face book, twitter, Linked in, You Tube & RSS feed.
So we hope you enjoy our new site and find it helpful when considering the aspects of your event that you would like to provide sustainable event management.
working with the planet
Greg Howell & Guil Araujo