Climate Wave Enterprises Project co-coordinator Mr. Guil Araujo was quoted by David Sygall in the Sydney Morning Herald Sunday edition 12 June 2011 in the article “It ain’t easy being green”
The article begins comparing Australian attempts at environmentally managing sporting events to what is happening overseas in America & England, which we are sadly falling behind. Sports in the US such as baseball, basketball and football are leading the way in sustainability and reaping the rewards that environmental management is showing on their bottom line in savings.
Mr Araujo was quoted talking about the massive changes events can have on our social structure mentioning Woodstock for example. He then goes onto mention that sporting organisations have a responsibility similar to corporations and that they are slowly understanding this role. He then explains that events can have a major impact but the process of alleviating those impacts needs to be considered and methodical to appreciate the economic benefits.
Some issues that were discussed that are major contributors to an events impact were energy and transport and that these impacts can be reduced by restructuring the way they are used.
In Australia the codes that were mentioned cricket, AFL, NRL and Super Rugby all seemed to have dabbled in greening areas of their business which is to be commended and encouraged. Dr. Christopher Dey of the Integrated Sustainability Analysis team at the Sydney University School of Physics believes these sports carbon footprints in Australia are increasing due to expanding tour parameters. He goes on to say our mode of transport to games now includes regular air travel which has become more popular with fans and adds to the footprint.
The journalist David Sygall attempted to gauge which sport had the greatest impact but realised the complexity of this task was too great for this article. He then confronts you with a sport you would naturally consider having an enormous negative impact in car racing which actually has positive spin offs as in reduction of emissions through engineering advancements.
The article goes onto explain some components of an event and changes that can be made to effect positive environmental outcomes. A Federal government spokesperson then mentions the need to reassess the emissions of our everyday lives and make changes with climate change in mind. Taking into consideration all aspects of the footprint which can be reduced in construction, transportation, lighting and even our energy usage from couch surfing.
Climate Wave Enterprises would like to encourage any sporting organisation and sponsors of events at any level, amateur or professional to consider moving towards environmental sustainability.
This is the authors commentary on the article “It ain’t easy being green” Sydney Morning Herald Sunday edition, 12 June 2011.
Greg Howell & Guil Araujo
working for the planet