In a recent survey conducted at the Earth Frequency Festival on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia 60 attendees from different age groups and socio-economic back grounds were asked a range of questions relating to their carbon footprint and waste practices.
The results were astounding that over 90 % were aware of their impact on the planet and 80 % actually took control of their emissions & waste at this event.
Admittedly the event provided management practices that made it easier for punters to make these decisions by requesting waste be taken from the site and an active carbon offsetting program. It was impressive for an avid environmentalist like me to hear the passion from the mostly younger DOOF crowd.
So is your event going green & keeping up with the times to attract this environmentally aware crowd?
According to a media alert that landed in my box this morning, amiando online event registration & ticketing company in partnership with Conference News and CMW completed a survey in 2012 that shows event organisers are taking baby steps in that direction.
A selection (not sure of the size) of Professional Conference Organisers, Suppliers & Destination Management Companies were surveyed mainly from United Kingdom & Spain were asked a range of questions dealing with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy, changes to procurement and client demand. 61% specified a greater consideration for sustainability than previous years.
The response from the survey why more event organisers were not looking at greening their events came down to a lack of knowledge and financial restrictions. I would suggest now that there is an international standard for sustainable event management systems (SEM), ISO 20121 and the recognition the London Olympics received the knowledge base will be greatly heightened.
And the financial factor can be alleviated by attracting the right sponsor. It is known that many large companies practice sustainable management, mainly because millions of dollars can be saved. And from research these companies also sponsors events, so it stands to reason that by promoting a green event will attract these sponsors.
Also in the survey questions of time management were raised of how many staff spent more than 20% of their day on SEM issues which most companies registered at least one person. In recent months training organisations have made SEM courses available and by employing a consultant or a designated member of the team can greatly improve efficiency and productivity.
Greg Howell
Climate Wave – working with the planet