FLASHBACK delayed reaction: WOW…Monday morning and all I can say is WOW 🙂 the Eco Challenge Gold Coast event finished March 16. Tuesday morning…ok now I can say a little more about Eco Challenge Gold Coast’s inaugural event at Bleach* Festival.
The community support for this event came from a wide cross section of people & organisations from Nambucca Heads to the Sunshine Coast/Brisbane. Monies raised went to Surfrider Foundation Rise Above Plastics campaign for much needed materials and education paraphernalia.
It’s just lucky Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary helped us out with our plan B because mother ocean threw a huge wobbly at us with a recorded 10-12 ft swell pounding down from Ex-cyclone Lusi on Currumbin Beach. How many surfing events do you hear cancelled because the waves were too big?
Anyway we sucked it up and got on with it 🙂

Darren Handley shaper to the Worlds Pro Surfers admiring Grant Newby’s crafts
The displays of wooden boards were spectacular and our visitors were fascinated by firstly the grain and texture and then the art, passion & process our shapers go to for their results.

MC Andrew McKinnon & Sunny Bins solar PA with event organiser Greg Howell
So the day got underway with our MC Andrew McKinnon in fine form spruiking the days events. Andrew was stoked to be using the first portable solar powered sound system/PA in a wheelie bin ever to arrive on the Gold Coast. This unique Sunny Bins unit pumped out tunes & speeches in between the bands all day and had enough charge to go all night if we’d needed.
There really was something for everyone at this event. The wooden surfboard shapers stood out with their unique crafts, while Louise from Circus Tribe was gaining huge squeals & giggles from the kids hoolahooping & plate spinning. Also kids & adults were fascinated with Ocean Connect’s interactive coastal education display while Joel from BeachCare & CoastEd – Centre for Coastal Management discussed dune plants and encouraged visitors to take part in planting 100 dune species at Currumbin Beach.

Planting 100 dune plants at Currumbin Beach
The environment groups we invited to set up stalls and were kept busy with enquiries about the many issues there are on the Gold Coast from cruise ship terminal proposals to endangered wildlife due to ad hoc development.
And our dancing Plastic Bag Monsters raised some eyebrows from passersby as they were promoting Surfrider Foundation Rise Above Plastics campaign while a lifesize cutout of King Kelly Slater was keeping them company. It was rumored that Kelly drove by from his apartment up the road from the event site and had a double take of his likeness.

Plastic Bag Monsters courtesy of Southern Cross Uni with Kelly & Greg
And the music kept coming all day with beautiful tunes by local artists from all over South East Queensland who came to support our community thanks largely to the lovely Christine Olive of Coastal Musos.

Sofie & Christine serenading the crowd at Eco Challenge
And last but by no means least is the sponsor that keeps on giving after the event is over. Green Initiatives will donate $500 to Surfrider Foundation Gold Coast Tweed Branch for everyone that purchases a solar unit for home or business and mentions Eco Challenge Gold Coast.
Eco Challenge will be an ongoing event held in connection with Surfrider Foundation around Australia. The next event will be at Kawana Waters, Sunshine Coast at a date TBA in November this year.
Our survey results showed that the majority of attendees at the event were from the Gold Coast & Northern NSW aged between 13-24 or 40-55, this indicates a large portion were families comprised of parents and children. Facebook proved the most effective promotional channel and the biggest drawcard for attendees was their interest in Ecological Events, this was closely followed by an interest Wooden Surf craft. Overall, the event was well received with 98 per cent wishing to attend similar events in the future. Our job was done successfully 🙂
Thanks for coming and keep in contact https://www.facebook.com/EcoChallengeGoldCoast and http://ecochallengegoldcoast.com/
And for more photo’s see Peter Sturm’s My Perspectives
Greg Howell
working with the planet