Greg Howell, owner of Climate Wave Enterprises talks to
The Couch Outloud‘s Pushing the Paradigms MC, Monique Kinerson @monkinerson @KarmaCollabHub
Honestly it all began watching girls & drinking beer at a No Nukes rally which led to taking on a voluntary position with Surfrider Foundation – coastal environment organisation which nurtured a passion for sustainable event management. Thank goodness I’ve grown since those early days and have learnt respect and compassion for all people 🙂
So to get your ideas across simply and gain an understanding by someone that knows a little about sustainability which should be most of us by now!
How does this stack up for an explanation…Climate Wave Enterprises provide sustainable event management advice, practices & services to deliver events that conform with international sustainable standards. We work with the planet for positive ethical and social outcomes, and provide a holistic recreational event experience that engages all stakeholders in a journey that will reduce environmental impact whilst having fun.
We know the impact of your event on the environment is in the back of your mind. That’s why you’re here.
And we’re here to help. Because we know you’re not alone; so many event organisers that we talk to have that same concern… you want to minimise your event’s environmental footprint, but it’s the “how” that’s the problem.
We’ll let you in on a secret – that’s our history too, and we’ve experienced that nagging voice ourselves while organising numerous events of our own, and with various community organisations, over the past two decades.
In fact, it’s why Climate Wave Enterprises was created.
Going Green is Easy…starting on the path towards sustainability is the hardest part, it leads to interest and soon it becomes a passion. Believe it or not, that is the reality. However, we understand that event organisers, schools, venues don’t have time to do everything!
Which is why the Climate Wave team has harnessed a plethora of experience, up-to-date technology, supply chain suppliers and sustainable event information.
We stand ready to help you stage incredible events that protect the Planet, while simultaneously raising your community standing among sponsors and patrons.
by Greg Howell